What happens if you don't clean dryer duct

What happens if you don’t clean dryer duct?

Homeowners tend to underestimate dryer vent cleaning needs by only regularly clearing away their lint trap, thinking this maintenance task suffices. Unfortunately, doing this alone won’t suffice and neglecting this maintenance task could result in various serious complications for both the safety and functionality of their laundry rooms – this includes neglecting dryer vent maintenance! What happens if you don’t clean dryer duct?

At ONLY ROOFING, our top priority is safety and functionality within every home, which includes your laundry area! Here are some potential consequences associated with neglecting dryer vent cleaning;

Increase in Drying Times and Energy Costs

Lint buildup in dryer vents acts as insulation, trapping hot air inside. This forces it to work harder and longer to achieve proper drying; ultimately leading to higher energy usage and electricity bills as well as damaging or shrinking of clothes over time.

Repair Options for Dryer Breakdown and Failures

Clogged vents put undue strain on overworked components that lead to early wear and tear on your dryer, often manifesting itself in malfunctioning thermostats, heating elements or motor failure. Repair costs could become prohibitively expensive; in extreme circumstances, a total replacement could become necessary.

Fire Hazard: the Most Serious Concern

Lacking proper dryer vent cleaning increases the risk of fire significantly, especially due to lint being highly flammable and blocked vents creating ideal environments for its ignition. Trapped heat combined with a buildup of lint can easily spark a fire that poses serious threats for homes and their inhabitants alike; according to estimates by the National Fire Protection Association, there are an estimated 15,910 clothes dryer fires annually which cause an estimated $5 billion of property damage per year!

Preventative Measures: How Frequently Should You Clean Your Dryer Vent?

The frequency of dryer vent cleaning depends on several factors, including frequency and length of dryer use as well as type and material of vent pipe used to connect the dryer to the venting duct. As a general guideline, professional cleaning should take place at least annually; for high-risk environments with frequent dryer usage or long-length venting systems biannual or even more often cleaning may be more suitable to ensure optimal safety and performance.

Only Roofing of Woodlands TX: Your Partner in Home Safety

ONLY ROOFING provides both Residential and Commercial roofing, but we recognize the significance of maintaining an efficiently functioning home as part of its maintenance routine. A blocked dryer vent poses not only damage but also an increased fire risk – therefore we advise scheduling regular dryer vent cleaning as part of your overall home care regimen.

Reminder: Maintaining an efficient dryer vent not only saves you money on energy costs and repairs but, more importantly, safeguards against potential fire hazards for both yourself and your family.

Home safety advice and information from ONLY ROOFING in Woodlands Tx are both available – get in touch now to take advantage of them!

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